So, on November 8th, my world was altered and dramatically changed for the better by the author Christopher Paolini. Oh what a wonderful man, truly, I would marry his writing (not him, sadly he is too old for me). The final book in the Inheritance cycle, conveniently named Inheritance, came out and put a new standard on what a good book is, making all other books cower before its mighty story telling power. I managed to finish it in about four days (pretty good, since it was 850 pages…) and it proved to be the best in the entire series. Every page was a beautiful masterpiece I wanted to cling on to and never let go of its brilliance. This book should be printed on gold paper, it would be worthy. There were plot twists, prophecies fulfilled, and dragons, tons of magnificent dragons. Also elves, dwarves, urgals, werecats, and humans converging for battles of epic proportions, aiming to reach the king, which proved to be a culmination of everything awesome in the world put together and sold as a hardcover book for $27.99. But the best part is that I went to get this beautiful book signed by the author. I always swore to never let out one of those high-pitched fan girl squeals of idiocy, but I just barely contained it. He was right before me. Years of my life flashed before my eyes, making me relive the times of my early youth as I read the first book in the series, Eragon, then Eldest…Brisinger. I grew up to his fictional world, and it was almost a second life to me! Now I’m done…with the last one…I’m so lost. Completely and utterly lost, like part of my life just vanished. Now I have to move on, or I will never be able to.
Paolini is skilled at telling a good story and utilizing archetpyes. However I feel that his characterizations are a bit flat and he does not accomplish in this book what a writer such as Rowling accomplishes: really making you care and invest in the characters, feel, understand, know them and relate to them. For example, I felt little to no lasting care when Izlanzadi died. I was surprised and somewhat saddened but we know so little of her that it wasn't that distraught.
I agree with the characterization, but I thought he was progressing it more in this book than the others. With Murtagh and Nasuada, I started connecting with their plights. This was his first series, and I'm sure he will get better later on. About Izlanzadi, I have a friend who was completely devastated when she died! One thing J.K Rowling lacks is story, at times in the 4th and 5th books (just in my opinion) just got dull for me. Did you like the book then? Or no? :(
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